Ecstatic Wellness

Health must remain our top priority, throughout our lives! Without good health, we compromise our capacity for love, joy, success, and creative self-expression. As your wellness coach & wellness consultant, Teresa has learned healing from the inside out. A holistic approach to your physical & mental health has proven to be most successful, most of the time. But what are the components of holistic health?

Good nutrition means fresh produce & high-quality proteins. Effective exercise means choices which are best for you. Sound sleep is always important. Stress management is essential too. Teresa offers group retreats as well as private intensives for your wellness goals. As a wellness coach & wellness consultant, Teresa can teach you yoga, meditation, and other holistic principles, as well as provide various spa treatments to refresh your body & soul.

Explore the many modalities Teresa offers for your Ecstatic Wellness on her REJUVE HQ website.